Living Stones

Renovation Capital Campaign

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Thank you to all who have made their pledge for our capital campaign. Now that we are into our campaign, we thank you for your continued support and fulfillment of your pledges.

If you haven't yet pledged, please know that this can be done at any time. We also appreciate any one-time gifts you may wish to give. If you have any questions about pledges or our new project, please contact Sandy Randolph, our church administrator. 


Due to the generosity of so many in our Lift High the Cross campaign, we now have a beautiful new sanctuary and completely renovated building and grounds that will serve as a platform for St. Luke's mission and ministry for generations to come. Your gifts provided for the down payment and initial construction costs. Thank you!

The purpose of our the next phase of capital campaign is to responsibly manage our monthly mortgage payment and pay off our mortgage early through additional principal payments. St. Luke has a history of doing this, as dedicated giving toward debt reduction meant that the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room) was paid off in 12 years, instead of 20, allowing for all gifts to be directed toward the building project. Most homeowners do not pay off their home in 3 years. Our expanded and transformed church completed by securing a mortgage. By paying this off as soon as possible, we can leave a legacy without debt for future generations.

Campaign Goals

  • Goal 1:

    $819,000 is needed to make mortgage payments over the next 3 years ($22,747 per month).

  • Goal 2:

    Funds received above this amount will be applied to the mortgage principal, cutting the length of the 25-year loan, and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest.


Our goal is to raise $819,000 in three years above our regular giving. The campaign is called ‘Living Stones’.

As soon as you have made your gift decision, please fill out the pledge form below.