Welcome to our website. St. Luke is a Christian community called to Worship God, Walk in the Holy Spirit, and Witness to Jesus Christ. We are located in the North end of Spokane, Washington; ideally located, and easily accessible for people from all over the area. We are a multi-generational congregation intentional about providing ministry to people of all ages. We offer worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30, 10:00 and 11:15-noon (modern).
Our worship services incorporate a variety of traditions in a liturgical setting and vary from piano to a modern worship band.
The Pacific Northwest is one of the most un-churched areas of the United States; as such, we have an opportunity, challenge, and purpose to share the Christian faith from the unique perspective of the Lutheran tradition: we are justified, redeemed, and saved by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. While our good deeds contribute nothing toward our eternal life in the kingdom of heaven (it is by grace and faith alone), they contribute significantly to the well being of life in this kingdom, and are therefore essential. As a Lutheran community of faith we strive to share the gospel personally, congregationally, privately, and publicly in thought, word, and deed. We support local and national ministries and agencies, as well as global missionaries. On our website you’ll discover many ministry opportunities to share your talents and get involved in the mission of Christ’s church: to spread the love of God and the good news of forgiveness and new life through Jesus Christ. I hope that you find our website helpful, and if possible that you’ll join us in worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Lord bless and keep you in His grace, mercy, and love; and peace be with you.
-Pastor Jim Johnson