Youth Mission - Day 7 (8/2)

Surprise surprise, it’s Benjamin (aka El Torro Rojo). Not gonna lie, waking up today was hard considering that the events of today were to be our last (but let’s put a pause on that message for now). Breakfast of champions this morning in which included some more squeaky cheese, better-than-your-grandma’s pancakes, and some good ol’ Secrest peanut butter fights. Took a quick power nap on the bus before we arrived to the community center a little bit early. So early in fact that instead of fulfilling my desire to stand outside in the totally not sticky air, we hung out in the bus for a bit while I hung my head in sorrow (I most definitely did not). Hey, the weather might suck after a rainstorm like the one we had yesterday, but the kids walking through our manmade tunnel were still in wonderful spirits as they prepared for another day of VBS.

With Damion’s help quieting down the kids and Johnny as my narrative translator, St. Luke’s Youth Group and company presented the story of Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish. Honorable mention to Ryder’s invigorating performance as he threw off his hat, jumped off the boat, and swam aggressively towards our Jesus played by none other than the Micah Engh. Also, who knew craft time would entail so many children in awe of cutouts of their hand as fish. And of course, with a leader like Damion around, he was able to kill time by leading the community center in a host of games. And let’s just say, after the energy left with some Coca Cola in their stomachs and a Dum Dum in their hands, the quiet wasn’t the worst thing ever. Before we enjoyed our sancocha, Kristin sat us all down and shared the mission statement of her organization. With studies showing that only an extremely low percentage of boys graduate (with the rest dropping out to pursue a career in baseball and submitting themselves into a risky international draft, it was all enough to convince Billy to want to start a youth board of directors. For more information, ask any one of us when we get back. Any amount of money goes a long way down here.

After a few horrible games of Munchkin (aka the best card game ever) and what was probably a successful domino tournament, we were able to see our project in it’s final form. The little impact we made on their school did close in comparison to the impact the community made on us. How? As we arrived back to the baseball field for our final day of practice, their wasn’t a single person who didn’t have a child greeting them with a high five or a hug. Some of us played in the scrimmage game while others hosted piggyback rides out in the field. All in all, we were more than happy to spend our last few hours in the community playing the sport that tears down any and all language barriers. A dinner by the field after practice bought us a few more moments with the team, but when we had to say adios, the Dominicans and the Americans exchanged several words of gratitude. One by one, the translators (aka prominent members of our Anti-Kristin union) said their goodbyes and we were left to reflect and debrief in the hotel restaurant as we enjoyed our piña coladas courteous of Bill the Construction guy.

So yeah, today was a day full of lasts. Especially for some of us upperclassmen and graduates, this is our last mission trip… for now. I can’t speak for everybody when I say this, but I have hope that one day, as I’m able to travel the world and immerse myself in what the world has to offer, I can visit Fondo Negro once again. But until that day comes where we cross paths again, a piece of us remains. And after last night, it’s also safe to say that the spirit of the community will now and forever live in us.

The transition back into a country of division and screen-agers will be challenging, but with what God has taught us about love and unity on this trip, we hope that the stories we share with our family, our friends, and all of you will spread far and wide. All in hopes that one day, we can all walk into a room and feel welcome. We can all be willing to share what we have both physically and mentally. We can all learn to love with all we got. Thank you all for tuning in to our adventure and pray for us as we begin to travel our way back to our one of two homes :)


Youth Mission - Day 8 & 9 (8/3 & 8/4)


Youth Mission - Day 6 (8/1)