Due to the generosity of so many in our Lift High the Cross and Living Stones campaigns, we now have a beautiful new sanctuary and completely renovated building and grounds that will serve as a platform for St. Luke's mission and ministry for generations to come.
We must now responsibly manage our mortgage and, through your support, shorten the lifespan of the 25-year loan by many years. This is the goal of our campaign for 2025 – 2027: “Built on Grace, Called to Serve”
Renovation Capital Campaign, 2021-2024
Thank you to all who have sustained and continue to sustain our capital campaign. Please note that 2024 is the third year of our 3-year debt retirement campaign. Debt retirement campaigns are renewed every three years and so this coming fall we will again renew our commitments to pay off our mortgage debt with a campaign that will span another 3 years (2025 – 2027)
Debt Retirement Campaign (2025 – 2027)
Currently requesting pledges
The purpose of our the next phase of debt retirement is to responsibly manage our monthly mortgage payment and pay off our mortgage early through additional principal payments. St. Luke has a history of doing this. For example, dedicated giving toward debt reduction meant that St. Luke’s Multi-Purpose Room was paid off in 12 years, instead of 20; which allowed for all gifts to then be directed toward the building and sanctuary project. This debt retirement effort may extend across multiple 3-year campaigns, with the goal always being to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible. By paying this off sooner than the 25-year lifespan of the loan, we can leave a legacy without debt for future generations while saving millions of dollars in interest payments.
Campaign Goals
Goal 1
Responsibly manage our mortgage payments over the next three ($22,747 per month totaling 819,000)
Goal 2
Match this amount in direct principal reduction payments, cutting the length of the 25-year loan, and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest.
Goal 3
Encourage legacy planned gifts to pay off, or to have legacy gift plans in place to pay off the mortgage by the end of 2030.
Pledge Form
As soon as you have made your gift decision, please fill out the pledge form below.