Considering a visit to St. Luke?

We hope you do! We welcome the opportunity to meet you!

Here are a few tips for what to expect:

Entering the Building

The primary entrances are the doors under the portico that can be seen from Division Street. You will enter the fellowship hall where there is coffee and cookies, a specialty coffee cafe – Luther’s Brews – and a space intended for gathering, greeting and having conversations with one another.

Worship Time/Style

Worship services last an hour with about thirty minutes between services. During the school year (September – May) we have three worship services: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am. The first two services follow a liturgical style with more traditional music and responsive prayers. The third service has less of a structure and includes more modern music with a variety of instrumentation (guitars, keyboard, drum set, etc.). During the summer months (Memorial – Labor Day) we have two worship services: 8:00 and 8:30 am. The 8:00am worship is more liturgical and traditional in style and the 9:30 will also be mostly traditional with some more modern weeks, depending on the Sunday.

Kids and Youth

During all Sunday morning worship services there is a nursery for child care for those ages 0 – 4 years old. During the school year, we have Sunday School for children and youth during the 9:30 am worship hour. Kids Ministry meets downstairs with Ms. Stefanie (Kid’s Ministry & Social Media Coordinator) and a team of Sunday School teachers. Middle and high school youth meet in the Loft with Jacque (Youth and Young Adult Ministries Coordinator) along with our college-age youth mentors.


In terms of attire, each Sunday you will see a full range from jeans and t-shirts to suits and dresses. Please come wearing what you would feel best in for worship.


Weekly we celebrate the sacrament of communion. For those that desire what is promised in this meal – God’s presence and the forgiveness of sins – you are welcome to communion with all who are gathered to receive God’s grace.


In terms of attire, each Sunday you will see a full range from jeans and t-shirts to suits and dresses. Please come wearing what you would feel best in for worship.


During this pandemic season we ask that all wear masks inside the facility. You may remove your mask to eat and drink (for communion and during fellowship for coffee and cookies).

If you have any questions or would like more information before visiting St. Luke, please don’t hesitate to call the church office or email one of our staff.