Love Abounds: Quality time and saying goodbye
After a long, emotional day we are in Santo Domingo for the night. We will take a short tour of the capital tomorrow morning, say our final goodbyes, and begin our travel home.
Today we packed up our stuff from the hotel in Barahona and headed to Fondo Negro for a final day with our friends. We gathered at one of the homes where we at lunch on Wednesday, where we met up with a majority of the baseball team for an afternoon of games and sharing a meal together.
We took a 20 minute walk to a small creek in an area shaded by trees and surrounded by plantain fields. We played many games with the kids and spent quality time with the people who have become so dear to our hearts this week. We had another delicious meal of rice and chicken made by one of the baseball coach’s families. Then we had to begin saying our goodbyes.
We have loved getting to spend time learning about love, hard work, kindness, and relationships this week. I have seen got at work in these youth and through these youth. They have cared for one another well, even when they have been exhausted. They have poured their hearts into meeting and playing with the kids and people we have met in Fondo Negro. We have done hard things and we have practiced patience. I am moved by the many ways that God has given us strength, courage, hope, and love this week – each of us in our own ways.
We are really looking forward to sharing our stories, laughs, and special moments with all of our loved ones at home. We are sad to leave our new friends, but trust that the love we have shared and experienced in the D.R. this week is something that we will carry with us forever.
We are so grateful for your support every step of the way and would ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers aw we travel home to the U.S. tomorrow.
When asked what they would like to share with family and friends at home about their week, this is that the high schoolers and chaperones had to say:
“I have made countless relationships during this short span of time. And from playing baseball with dead lemons and plastic bottles to playing Dominican dominoes and all that happened, it didn’t take much for any of us to have fun with these amazing kids and translators. We may not speak the same language, but that didn’t stop any of us from having fun. And to that, my message is that happiness doesn’t require a lot.” – Ben Juarez
“Being with all the kids and knowing that they want to play and enjoy time with us makes me feel that we are doing more than just working, but creating relationships with these young kids… the trip was a great experience to get closer and have fun, while spending time with each other and especially the laughs and jokes that have been made throughout the week.” – Nora Houske
“This was my second time going on the D.R. mission trip and it was amazing. It reminded me of just how amazing and welcoming Dominican’s are. From the kids’ passion and energy on the baseball field to the Dominican workers who helped us, we got to see just how hard working they are and why so many players in the MLB are Dominican. It was such a blast and I can’t wait to share the experience with you all.” – Will Strauch
“The message I would like to exclaim would be that no matter how alone you feel, there are people there for you and who love you.” – Lance Buell
“Wow, it really has been a week like I can’t believe that I got here after three years. I miss my mom, sisters, my girlfriend, and my dad and I want to come home, but I don’t want to leave. This week has been an emotional roller coaster of a week. The laughs we shared have been great and I love this place and this place and all these people will share a special place in my heart always.” – Q (Quentin Stingley)
“I can’t put into words how much I appreciate the fact that I got to go on this incredible trip with all these incredible people. I really miss my mom and sister and all my colleagues at work. But my one big takeaway from this trip is to work hard. I saw that most in all the people that were leading the work sites. They worked nonstop with maybe 1 break in four hours. And I also noticed it in all the little kids that we played baseball with. They didn’t have that much to begin with, and they still had fun with the things that they had. And they were all working hard playing baseball. So work hard, then have all the fun you want. I miss our translators Natan, Francis, and Germy already. Love you all and thank you for this great opportunity.” – Noah Buchmann
“First of all, I’d like to say how much I miss all of you. This trip has felt very isolated because obviously we are in a different country, then time is much less important here, and without my phone I have no way of communicating beyond the people I’m with. I’m well aware I take you all for granted, but it’s hard not to. I’ve been having a hard time during this trip because I’ve met some of the most amazing people, from our translators who quickly became family, to the little kids who were the most innocent people I’ve ever met, just wanting to play a game with you. But all those people live with so little in such hard situations. While I have such a fortune to live in the U.S. It’s hard to see how much these people deserve in comparison to what they have. So the least we can do is appreciate what we have and help others whenever possible. Miss you guys so much.” – Micah Engh
“What I would like to share with my family and friends at home is that kindness can make a massive difference, even if it’s just waving at people and making them feel welcome. During this week I was going through rough times while being sick the first two days of the trip, when I was sick, I was being checked on 24/7 to make sure I was better, and later that day I did get better. On the first day of work and going to baseball all the kids there were making me feel welcome and at home. Saying goodbye definitely brought tears to my eyes and it was probably the best experience I have ever had.” – Ryder Secrest
“My time in the D.R. has been so amazing! I am so glad to have met such wonderful people on this trip. I am very thankful for my parents and the church to have given me this incredible opportunity to come on the mission trip.” – Cruz Secrest
“Since being here I have met so many amazing people and have made stronger bonds with those I have already known! Thank you to those who sacrificed time and money to bring me here. My time here has been the best it could be.” – Will Villines
“My first true interaction with a Dominican was with Elijah. Elijah is one, and I am not one, yet the emotional connection I felt for him was one of great joy. This feeling of connection continued throughout my time in the D.R. With everyone I met and spoke with in the Dominican Republic there was an immediate sense of friendship and family. They gave without expectation and accepted with grace. What great people.” – Bill Villines
Dinner and dancing at a restaurant in Santo Domingo.