Youth Mission - Day 4 (7/30)

We started the day with an early breakfast and got on the bus at 8:15am to head to the school to continue work on our building project. When we got to the school, we waited a bit for the project manager to get us started working. While we waited we played frisbee for a little, and then one of our translators, Damien, led the group in a game of capture the flag. But pretty soon the game was interrupted and the project manager was ready for us.

We spent the morning mixing cement. We’re in a mostly shaded area, but mixing cement is hard work, especially in the heat and humidity. You have to keep shoveling and turning the cement so that it doesn’t set before you need to use it. When the cement was ready, it was hauled in a wheelbarrow and buckets to be poured in the holes that we dug yesterday, to set the posts for the frame of the roofed structure. It was tough and messy work, and the group worked really hard - I’m so proud of them!

After work we went to the community center for a break and lunch. After lunch we played a lot of different games. Damien led us in a game of Mafia, which is a group game where three people are secretly eliminating other players, and the group has to figure out who the three are before all the innocent players are eliminated. We had a blast! Baseball practice followed lunch and games. We went out on the field with the many players for the devotional that starts practice. Then we dispersed among the stands, and the different groups on the field for practice. Some got to play basketball today too! Before we left practice we got to see the coaches hand out shoes, hats, and other clothes that St. Luke donated last summer (thank you!!). It was really cool to be able to be there and see the items being handed out. Kristin shared with us that some of the other items that were donated have already been given out to members of the community. Her neighbor was given a three piece suit, and put it on to show her that it fit like a glove! He is so excited to have something nice like that to wear to church on Sundays.

After baseball we came home, ate a wonderful dinner, and swam before going to bed a little bit earlier. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, because we’re going to try to complete our building project. We’re leaving a bit earlier and the plan is to go back to the worksite after lunch. We’re looking forward to another full day of work and play. 

Peace, Jacque.


Youth Mission - Day 5 (7/31)


Youth Mission - Day 3 (7/29)