Day 2 - to Corinth & Olympia

The group arrived to Athens after a grueling, 10 hour layover in Denver, then to Frankfurt, then to Athens. Once we got to the hotel, we went straight to dinner, a short meeting, then the rooftop for some pictures of the Acropolis. We started on our trek from Athens to Corinth early in the morning to beat the heat and the crowds. Corinth is a highlight because you know that Paul stood in some places that are there today. From the ruins of Corinth, we made the long trek by bus to Olympia. We will visit the archaeological site of the first Olympic Games tomorrow. The hotel we stay at is my favorite. A refreshing pool, a gorgeous dinner a terrace garden, with beautiful sunset views. It was over 100° today, but thrilling to be here and to be together nonetheless.


Day 3 - Olympia to Delphi


Day 12 - Transition Home